Welcome to London Bridge City
A destination enjoyed by visitors from across the globe and a river vibe loved by those who work and live in the area. Discover the story...
The Estate
Stretching from London Bridge to Tower Bridge, see who calls London Bridge City home.
The Location
London Bridge City is situated between London Bridge and Tower Bridge on the south side of the River Thames
Project Awesome - Every Wednesday Only
The Book People
The Book People are back at London Bridge City. We welcome them to 2 More London Riverside on 8 June and 6 More London Place on 9 June where books1
Wandering Tree
During London Tree Week (28 May - 5 June), The Woodland Trust is leading a call for a Charter for Trees, Woods and People and has already united1
The Book People
The Book People are back at London Bridge City. We welcome them to Cottons Centre on 12 May and to No. 1 London Bridge on 18 May where books are1
Third Space Yoga Demonstration
In conjunction with Mental Health week, Third Space Tower Bridge based at London Bridge City will hold a Yoga demonstration showcasing one of1