

Summer By The River: The Great Get Together

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Living Bankside hosts The Great Get Together in SE1, part of the UK’s annual celebration of everything that unites our communities, and inspired by Jo Cox’s belief that we have more in common than that which divides us.

Festivities taking place at The Scoop will include an array of music and performances, so come along, catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Featuring performances from Tower Ravens, South London Symphonic Winds, Pandemonium Drummers, David Stinson Theatre School, UDM Samba, Jig and a Swig and Swing Patrol and more!

1400 Tower Ravens

1415 Jamie Heward

1430 South London Symphonic Winds

1530 Official Opening with Special Guest

1550 Pandemonium Drummers

1600 David Stinson Theatre School

1630 UDM Samba

1700 Jig and a Swig

1730 Swing Patrol

1815 Sing-a-long Finale with Jamie Heward and David Stinson

1830 END

About Living Bankside

Living Bankside is an award winning charitable organisation which has existed for over 25 years which seeks to create an exemplary neighbourhood in Bankside, Borough and SE1, which feels and looks inclusive for/of all.

Living Bankside's work covers a broad range of areas and includes (but not limited to) influencing regeneration, promoting and preserving the history and heritage of the neighbourhood, supporting older people through digital inclusion and advocacy, creating, improving and managing green spaces, improving the opportunities and life chances of young people and ensuring the health and wellbeing of all.

“Whoever you are, whatever your background, we want you to feel loved, valued and able to shape the neighbourhood around you”.

“We are about doing good, making a positive difference all whilst having lots of fun”