

Summer By The River: Encanto Sing-A-Long

240723 Encanto

Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Encanto" tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto.

Sing-a-Long screening of this family favourite.

Part of our Family Week of activities and events for children.

Location: The Scoop


Part of our Family Week of entertainment taking place on Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 July.

Tuesday 23 July 12:30PM, The Scoop: Double Bill Matinee - Trolls Band Together (U) (12:30PM) andThe Little Mermaid (PG) (2:30PM)

Tuesday 23 July 7-8:45 PM, The Scoop: Encanto Sing-A-Long

Wednesday 24 July 1PM, Hay’s Galleria: Everywhere’s a Beach (performances at 1PM and 3PM)

Thursday 25 July 12PM, Hay’s Galleria: Wind in the Willows (The True Story) By Rat... And Toad) performances at 12:00 and 15:00

Thursday 25 July 1PM, Hay’s Galleria: Art and Craft Workshop

Our Family Week is supported by