

Summer By The River: London Bubble Theatre and Southwark Children & Families present Southwark Stories

230725 London Bubble Theatre And Southwark Children Families Present Southwark Stories Pic 2

Put aside whatever you think you know about care...

“I am a lioness with her cubs and I will fight for them the way I wished someone fought for me...”

Southwark Stories: Care is a collection of six powerful short films exploring diversity, love and resilience in the care system. These stories are shared by the care leavers, foster carers and social workers who live them. Their journeys are sometimes hard-hitting, sometimes hopeful, but always raw and authentic.

London Bubble Theatre’s work is in exploring the themes that matter most to the community, highlighting underheard voices and sharing those quiet narratives that often go underrepresented.

Some viewers may find the themes explored in this collection triggering. Expect very occasional strong language which may be unsuitable to children, young people or others. Viewer discretion is advised.